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Providing You, With Everything You Need

Here at Lumin Essence, we are lucky enough to work along side a lovely lady named Kristy, who is super talented!


Kristy can provide:


- Half a Balloon Arch

- Full Balloon Arch

- 2 Meter Balloon Hoops

- 3 Ft Balloon Hoops

- Full Balloon Hoops

- Numbered Balloons (Personalisation Available)

- Number on Stacks  (Personalisation Available)


Kristy's work compliments our LED numbers so well, and together they look the dream.

Kristy created all of the balloons in the photos above, and is more than happy to come along to events with us to make the magic happen!


We will work with you to realise your vision of how your party / event will look, incorporating any particular themes or important features in the style of your balloon arrangements.


If there is anything you have seen elsewhere and would like us to create it, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


If you already have a vision, we can help bring this to life, but if you don't, we would be happy to help you create one.

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